Vintage pattern pledge: late but doing it anyway!

5 Aug

I’m joining in the Vintage Pattern Pledge, for the same reason A Stitching Odyssey created the pledge – I love collecting vintage patterns, (mostly from the local op-shops here) but don’t use many of them. The few I have used have been really good, and ended up in some cases becoming TNTs. It’s kind of silly to collect them all and then not use them. Especially when I’ve had such great luck with the few I have used. (might find some more TNTs in there!

I’m going for 5 by the end of this year, but won’t beat myself up if I manage less. And I’ve decided to add in three little clauses of my own to the pledge.

1) Use vintage patterns (or vintage repro, I’m not fussy) that I haven’t used before.

2 Use fabrics I’ve had sitting in my stash forever, that are too good for any pattern! You know, the ones you look at and think ‘one day I’ll find a pattern that does justice to this fabric.’ And you’re still thinking it 5 yrs later. Uh, 10 in some cases… *sheepish* (Well, when your brother sends you 1.5m of silk georgette from Como in Italy, specifically chosen as a present because legend has it that Como was the first place in the west that produced silks, in a stunning green and blue floral pattern, what pattern IS good enough for that???) (I’ve long ago accepted I’ll never cut it. I just take it out every time I ‘shop my stash’ and pet it lovingly.)

3) Make things that fit in with my wardrobe plan, so I’ll actually end up wearing them.

Well, here’s the patterns I’m intending to use:

I’m working on learning the skills to be able to sew my own underwear. I’m good with the stretch-knit undies. I’m working on the woven undies (They’re so similar I don’t really ‘need’ to work on them but I am having fun and gaining experience, so hey!). After that I’m going to work on ‘bralettes’ given a lot of my life is spent in them. Lastly will be full-on underwire bras.

This comes under the bralette category. I’m thinking the red halter second from the top, and/or the one right at the bottom. I’ll probably use up some scraps rather than cutting in to a bigger piece of fabric. That’s still very Virtuous though, I feel.

Simplicity Creative Group - Misses' Vintage 1950's Bra Tops

While I’m still on the bralette subject, I have this pattern from Mrs Depew Vintage. It’s on my bralette-sewing list. I may get to it this year. So pretty!

Vintage Sewing Pattern 1940's Pauline Matching Bra and Tap Panties PDF Print at Home -INSTANT DOWNLOAD-


I want to make some of this style of french knickers, just out of curiousity as to how those gussets work, and how comfortable they might be. Don’t know what fabric yet, either. I’d love to make them up in silk I have had for three or four years, but realistically I’ll use something less expensive to tral it.

These lovlies are from New Vintage Lady on Etsy. I love her shop!

NVL 1940s bra and tap panties pattern set 46 by NewVintageLady


However for my pair, I’m going to draw up this pattern I found through pinterest. Just the undies – unless I go totally nuts and make them all up 😛 (Actually… that’s not a bad idea! They look so light, easy to wear and cool. It’s lovely and cold and dry today, but it’s August. October and the ‘build up’ *are Looming O_O )

*The Build Up is the build up to the wet season. It’s very hot, extremely humid and the only saving graces are the magnificent and awe-inspiring storms we get during this season, and – mangoes! YUM!


This one I found through pinterest too. Oh how I ❤ pinterest! I drew it up full-sized, based on the schema given, last night. I was presuming it would be too small for me and I’d have to make it bigger, but measuring the flat pattern, it is bigger than it looks. Worth muslining as is, at anyrate. I love that collar…

Fabric? No idea! I do have some ‘my vintage’ fabric I’ve been meaning to make up into a simple top. Like you know, meaning to for 4 yrs, heading fast towards 5! But it’s quite busy and I wonder if the details might obscure the lovely simple lines of the blouse. Or would it work if I had the inside of the collar in a plain co-ordinating fabric?



Another pinterest find. I’m planning on drafting it to my own measurements – short-sleeved of course! I’m loving the style lines of this top, however I’m not entirely sure how I’ll work my bigger-than-A cup-bust. An FBA that still keeps these style lines intact? Hmmm.

I’m not so interested in the trim. The fabric I’m planning to use (some beautiful soft satin cotton sent to my by my ‘Auntie’ Josie a few years ago) is also quite busy. Perhaps the neckline would look good in a co-ordinating plain fabric? *ponders*

Miss Conover's blouse, 1921 | via blueprairie

Lastly, I can’t decide between making a blouse like this (short sleeved and the bow lower so it’s cooler, of course)

Lovely blouse

using this pattern. 1986 IS vintage, right? The fabric that jumps out at me for this is a simple very light grey op-shop find that a burn test suggested was either pure cotten, or cotton/linen mix. It’s a soft fabric. I’m quite in love with it. And being from the op shop it’s of unknown vintage. Perfect!

Butteric 4032


Or do I want to do this one, using a cotton sateen of blue roses on white? Lovely! Both the pattern and fabric have been in my stash at least 4 yrs.

I think that’s all too far in the future to worry about. I may not even get there this year.


However what I have to start on right after finishing this post, is a jacket in blue velvet from this Bolivian Milkmaid’s Jacket from Folkwear – the bottom view, which is the traditional one. Though I cut down some of the excesses of godets, and the width of the sleeves coz I didn’t have enough fabric for the full jacket. Yikes! It took a lot O_O.

I’m heading south at the end of August and I’ll need something nice and warm. Mmm dark blue velvet Mmmm!

13 Responses to “Vintage pattern pledge: late but doing it anyway!”

  1. Josie Brady August 6, 2014 at 6:25 am #

    You are certainly going to be busy. I recognise the fabric, will be interested to see how it turns out.


    • Tropical Threads August 6, 2014 at 12:15 pm #

      I like sewing-busy 🙂 I’m not going to beat myself up if making 5 things by the end of the year is too hard. Sewing is supposed to be fun, right? 😀
      I knew you would! I’m not sure if I have enough of it for that pattern, but to make that neckline in a soft plain turquoise perhaps, I think it should work. It’s so soft and delicious it should drape well for the style. I’ve been saving it for the Perfect Pattern. You know how that goes…


  2. Fashionista August 6, 2014 at 9:04 am #

    Laughing! I have that Butterick 4032 in my collection, bought when it was “on trend”. Sadly never used but I am sure it will come in useful one day. I have pieces of fabric that have been stashed for *cough* 26 years *cough*. So your 10 years is totally acceptable.


    • Tropical Threads August 6, 2014 at 12:13 pm #

      Hey really? That’s great! Now I’m laughing too! I remember when that kind of thing was ‘On Trend’ but I was a kid. I HATED the hairstyles, hairdressers would puff my hair up and make me look really dumb, like the models in the magazines 😀
      (I’m intending that the finished product bares little resemblance to the pattern!)

      26 years? Wow. um, you’ve outdone me. I’m so curious though. What are they all?


  3. Carolyn August 6, 2014 at 4:09 pm #

    Good luck with making underwear! it’s vey addictive so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I love the patterns you’ve picked out 🙂


    • Tropical Threads August 6, 2014 at 4:37 pm #

      Thankyou! Yes I have had a few friends ask me ‘but just HOW many pairs of undies do you NEED????’
      As if that were the point or something *puzzled*
      Yep I’m looking forward to playing with those patterns 🙂


  4. Marie August 8, 2014 at 8:08 am #

    Oooh fab, thanks for joining in with my pledge! Hope you keep me in the loop with your progress so I can pin your makes and share them in roundups on my blog ;o)


    • Tropical Threads August 12, 2014 at 1:45 pm #

      I’m already enjoying it! I’ve got those patterns I mentioned drafted out and ready to go. Cool!
      Ok, but I’m not sure HOW to keep you in the loop?


  5. Lauriana October 14, 2014 at 8:23 pm #

    I just saw the draft-it-yourself blouse pattern (the ‘vlug en voordelig’ one) on the vintage pattern pledge pinterest board. And I think I recognize it. I’m sure I’ve seen it in a vintage magazine I own and I think I have blogged about it although I can’t find the post right now.
    I’m very new to Pinterest and I have noticed before that things from my blog are sometimes pinned by other people without me noticing it (I’m fine with that, by the way. I put those pictures on my blog to share them and the source of the image is usually mentioned on Pinterest).
    The pattern is from a Dutch ladies’ magazine from the 1950’s and it was made for a specific size. If I remember correctly, I also really liked this blouse but decided not to make it because it was too large for me. If you have any questions about it and think the answer might be in the text, let me know and I’ll try and find the original article and translate.


  6. Lauriana October 14, 2014 at 8:27 pm #

    I’ve found it! This: is my post with that pattern, and I now also know which magazine it came from.


    • Tropical Threads October 14, 2014 at 9:24 pm #


      Thanks for the link, it’s great to read the context. Pinterest can be most awesome and very frustrating when the pins don’t lead to good links. I’m sure my pin doesn’t lead to your blog.

      Thanks for the offer of help and translating. I really appreciate it, I may take you up on it, but I have managed to draw the blouse out as per the instructions and it looks the same as the magazine. MUCH easier than this one here from Tudorlinks, which was in imperial inches and stuff O_O

      Your magazine’s top seemed to be pretty much to size, perhaps a bit bigger, or with more ease, than I’m used to. It’s either just right or a tad small. I haven’t made it up yet, but it’s sitting there in the ‘figure out what fabric to make it up in then make it up’ pile.

      Presuming it works as a pattern (which it looks like it should) I have been considering trying to grade it to different sizes to put up as free patterns on my blog. Now I’ve found the person who put it online, I can ask ‘Are you ok with that?’

      I can try to grade it to your size too if you’re interesting 🙂 (These are long-term plans, like maybe a christmas present graded for you!)


  7. Angela December 18, 2014 at 6:46 am #

    Oh how is your sewing going?

    I have only completed a few of my vintage sewing pledge projects, too many to fit in.

    I love your ideas, especially the Vlug en voordelig! blouse, I think I need to try that one too. Also, I do hope you make the Butterich dress, so elegant.

    I look forward to seeing your finished makes, Angela


    • Tropical Threads December 18, 2014 at 2:06 pm #

      Thanks for following my blog, Angela 🙂

      My sewing of vintage patterns going a lot better than my blogging of them! But I also am concentrating on getting some more adjustable clothing (weight changes, sigh). I haven’t done the lingerie yet, but I’m planning on continue on the vintage pattern sewing next year so I’ll to them then.

      But I might really try to get one last one sewn by the new year. But which on? The butterick dress or the Vlug en voodelig blouse?! I’m thinking the dress, then the blouse early next year… 🙂


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