Fabric flowers are a good distraction

4 Feb

My darling daughter, aka DD’s dress is it totally cut out now, the speed of the project increased markedly when I suggested DD could help me by cutting out little prints of roses from one of the fabrics (with her own little scissors that she can use with her tiny hands). This kept her occupied while I quickly cut out the dress with the big fabric scissors.

She cut out 3 flowers this morning, quite well actually. It is amazing how easy it is to use tools effectively when they are matched to size for the person. And rest assured, DD will be ‘helping’ me by cutting out more of of these flowers before the dress is finished!

Now I have to find some way of including them in the dress –  Sooo not what I had planned when starting out. But experience has shown that the best-laid schemes ‘gang aft agley’ can produce some fantastic garments.

What do to with the fabric flower motifs?

Some thoughts:

  • Get my fiance to get some felt, some hair clips and a hot-clue gun from Spotlight (because my fiance in Spotlight is a great source of amusement for me and the staff there) and turn them into hair clips that match the dress.
  • Or instead of hair clips, glue them onto safetypins so DD can pin them on her dress and arrange them and rearrange to her heart’s content.
  • Asking DD to arrange them on her dress where she wants them, then sewing them down (I wonder if she could do the hand-sewing herself, if encouraged and shown?)

DD also fondly believes she will be helping with use of the sewing machine too. Um… um… gonna have to get creative on this one too.

Her auntie, who has a little girl a similar age to DD, is also making her daughter a dress, said it worked quite well to have her daughter on her lap uh… helping … her feed the fabric through, while she herself works the foot pedal. Maybe this will work for DD too.

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